Due to inclement weather the Institute will cancel classes,Tuesday 1/29.
Geneva Scholars Program – Building a Community
The Institute is building up a community of young students focused on preparing for college and deepening roots in the Christian worldview.
Geneva Scholars take up to 12 hours of dual enrollment studies including six hours of worldview centric courses such as Great Books, Critical Survey of Worldview, Psychology, OT/NT Literature. The remaining hours serve to meet important college credits in the areas of English Composition, History, Math, etc. The first seven qualified students to commit to the 2019 program will receive full scholarships*
In addition to the academic studies, the Institute serves to build a community of students working toward common goals. Students will have opportunity to fellowship through both cultural (symphonic concerts, plays, etc.) and recreational events.
For more information contact Dean Walker at (919) 245-7016 or info@genevainstitute.org.
* Program admission requirements apply.
inclement weather policy
A reminder regarding our inclement weather policy. If possible, we will have an announcement regarding closing posted here (genevainstitute.org) by 7:30am. To receive an update to your email for Institute announcements, add your email address to the subscribe box at: http://genevainstitute.org/wp/blog/category/announcements/. If anyone is not able to check that posting, they may text or call (919) 245-7016.
Spring Semester Course Schedule
The Geneva Institute announces its Spring 2019 course schedule. These courses are great resources for gaining dual credit (college and high school) and studying from a Christian worldview. Please contact dean.walker@genevainstitute.org for more information.
This dual enrollment course will examine some of the influential works of modernity. Students will be encouraged to critically examine these works from a biblical perspective, discussing, debating, and evaluating the validity of the authors’ ideas and ethics.
Wednesday 8:30am-11:20am
Introduction to the general field of psychology. This dual enrollment course emphasizes concepts helpful for understanding contemporary psychology and those basic to further study.
Tuesday 8:30am-11:20am
God’s precious word is worth treasuring by exploring the nuances of its original language. Studying Greek not only gives students many of the language advantages that studying Latin would but also opens to them the same tools that sparked the reformation and helps spread and preserve God’s truth.
Thursday 8:30am-9:50am
*Dual enrollment hybrid online/onsite class. (Online class with onsite tutorials.)
Advanced high school math which simultaneously prepares the student to pass the corresponding CLEP exam (Pre-Calc and/or College Algebra). Pairs with GICT M19 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry A. This course is not offered through Bryan College – not a dual enrollment course. Course fee: $175.
Tuesday and Thursday 11:30am-12:50am
Additional Info
These classes will be held at:
900 Watauga St,
Kingsport, TN 37660.
Online DE classes through our partnering college are also available.
Doug Douma to speak Wednesday on “Practical Apologetics”
This Wednesday, July 18th, Douglas Douma will speak on “Practical Apologetics.” Come out and explore how to communicate the truth of Christianity to a fallen world! The event will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Kingsport (900 Watauga St, Kingsport, TN) at 7:00 pm.
Douglas Douma (trailname, Banzai) is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Wake Forest University, and Sangre de Cristo Seminary. He is a ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church – Hanover Presbytery serving as Assistant Pastor at Dillingham Presbyterian Church, and is the author of “The Presbyterian Philosopher – The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark.” Douma is also the founder of Sola (discoversola.com) — a Christian ministry to Appalachian Trail hikers. He completed a northbound thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2013.
Institute Fall Courses Open for Audit Registration
Our fall courses are now open for audit registration. Have a desire to engage the Great Books of western culture? Want to understand more about worldviews? Adults are encouraged and welcome! Contact us at info@genevainstitute.org or (919) 245-7016.
Fall Semester 2018
The course will examine some of the influential works of the renaissance and reformation. Students will be encouraged to critically examine these works from a biblical perspective, discussing, debating, and evaluating the validity of the authors’ ideas and ethics.
Wednesday 8:30am-11:20am
This course compares and contrasts basic worldviews and their implications for life, and will also present the main components of a Christian worldview, as well as respond to challenges to that belief system.
Tuesday 8:30am-11:20am
John Hodges to speak on “Beauty in God’s Economy”
On Wednesday, June 20th, John Hodges will speak on “Beauty in God’s Economy.” Hodges in an engaging speaker who is able to relate creation, culture and art to the Christian life in relevant, practical ways. Come out and learn to appreciate new aspects of the awesome beauty in God’s economy! The event will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Kingsport (900 Watauga St, Kingsport, TN) at 7:00 pm.
Hodges is the Director for The Center for Western Studies. Mr. Hodges is a conductor and composer, holding degrees in Music from the University of Maryland (B.A) and Indiana University (M.M.). He served as Music Director for various symphony orchestras and church music programs in Memphis from 1983-2009. He also held the position of Associate Professor of the Arts and Cultural Apologetics at Crichton College where he taught art and music history, philosophy of the Christian Faith, directed theater, and founded and directed the Institute for the Arts and Cultural Apologetics.
This event is hosted by the Geneva Institute of Christian Thought as part of their Summer Studies in Christian Thought. The event is free to the public.
Is it too late to reconsider your summer?
After meeting with Dr. Charlene Thomas to finish planning our Summer Studies at the Institute, I am super excited for the students that are going to be able to participate. Where else can one find total immersion in Christian thought in a small group discussion environment? Where else can one engage professors of the quality that are assembled at the Institute for a few weeks this summer? Think of the impact it could have on your Christian life!
It is not too late! Find out more here: http://genevainstitute.org/wp/summer-studies-in-christian-thought-2/.
Seats Available for Summer Studies
We have a few remaining seats available for our summer studies programs. It is an impressive lineup of instructors (see below) on topics that are critically relevant to a generation beginning to engage their culture for Christ. For more information see: http://genevainstitute.org/wp/summer-studies-in-christian-thought-2/ ; or contact dean.walker@genevainstitute.org / (919) 245-7016.
Meet our instructors:
John Hodges is the Director for The Center for Western Studies. Mr. Hodges is a conductor and composer, holding degrees in Music from the University of Maryland (B.A) and Indiana University (M.M.). He served as Music Director for various symphony orchestras and church music programs in Memphis from 1983-2009. He also held the position of Associate Professor of the Arts and Cultural Apologetics at Crichton College where he taught art and music history, philosophy of the Christian Faith, directed theater, and founded and directed the Institute for the Arts and Cultural Apologetics.
Dr. Charlene Thomas has taught humanities and art history and art history at Milligan College since 1981. She holds degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Ph.D.), East Tennessee State University (M.A. English, M.A. Art History), Milligan College (B.A.). In addition to her classroom instruction, Dr. Thomas enjoys leading art history tours and providing Christian counseling.
Douglas Douma (trailname, Banzai) is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Wake Forest University, and Sangre de Cristo Seminary. He is a ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church – Hanover Presbytery serving as Assistant Pastor at Dillingham Presbyterian Church, and is the author of “The Presbyterian Philosopher – The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark.” He completed a northbound thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2013.
Patrick Hines is pastor of Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Chruch in Kingsport TN. He is passionate about presuppositional apologetics, particularly that of Greg Bahnsen, speaking regularly on the relationship of apologetics to evangelism. In addition to preaching and teaching, Mr. Hines is an accomplished musician often delighting his congregation and friends with impromptu piano performances.
Dean Walker is the Executive Director of the Geneva Institute of Christian Thought. He holds degrees in philosophy of religion (Th.M.) and Christian apologetics (MDiv specialization). When he is not challenging his students with impersonations of various existential philosophers, Mr. Walker enjoys hiking and tending the responsibilities of homestead and family.
Geneva Institute Establishes Dual-Enrollment Worldview Curriculum
The Geneva Institute has established a worldview curriculum for dual enrollment studies. A primary goal of this curriculum is to prepare our young adults to live out their lives in faithful obedience, and to engage their culture to proclaim the gospel of Christ. As the image of the serpent underfoot indicates, Christ’s victory is not in doubt–we desire to see the rising generation live out that truth! Of course, there are other benefits of the curriculum that include 27 hours of accredited college credits earned simultaneously with up to 11 high school (year) credits!
The curriculum includes three planks: (1) engaging revelation, (2) engaging the history of ideas, and (3) engaging culture. The Institute is excited to offer this curriculum and believes that it will make a measurable difference in both the lives of our students and in the culture in which those students live. For more information on the details of this curriculum see: Geneva Institute Worldview Curriculum
For more information about this curriculum or the dual enrollment courses at the institute, please contact us at info@genevainstitute.org. Or, call Ginny Walker at (423) 528-0299 to schedule an appointment with the director. We can help you determine how to integrate this curriculum into your student’s program of studies!