Dual Enrollment Class – Great Books of the Ancient World

C. S. Lewis wrote ” I do not wish the ordinary reader to read no modern books. But if he must read only the new or only the old, I would advise him to read the old.” A Great Books curriculum adopts this sentiment by reading the books that have stood the test of time, the ones that have impacted men’s thinking.

Steven Warhurst will be teaching Great Books of the Ancient World this fall. The course will examine some of the influential works from ancient world, particularly from Greece and Israel (c. 8th century B.C. to 100 B.C.). Students will be encouraged to critically examine these works from a biblical perspective, discussing, debating, and evaluating the validity of the authors’ ideas and ethics. In doing so, the student’s worldview will be strengthened.

This is not only an accredited college class available to high school students but also a course that will pay dividends for life.  Mr. Warhurst encourages students who seek exciting new paths which are adventurous and fulfilling to take this class.

For more information, contact at dean.walker@genevainstitute.org , or (919) 245-7016.