The Geneva Institute of Christian Thought will be offering a class in general psychology this spring. Psychology is a common required class for most college degrees, but why take psychology from the Institute rather than waiting to take it in college?

  Not only will taking psychology with the Institute potentially put you ahead in your college studies but most current teachings on psychology presuppose a naturalistic worldview, ignoring the importance of acknowledging God’s truth for right thinking and the destructive nature of sin. In contrast, the Institute presents psychology in a manner consistent with the Christian worldview. In the words of the Institute’s psychology professor Cynthia Carr:

“Each [psychology] content area will be examined through the lens of Scripture, bringing a biblical worldview to bear on mainstream psychology. The underlying philosophical assumptions of the major theories of psychology will be examined, allowing students to discern their compatibility with Scriptural principles.”

  Take this opportunity to learn general psychology from a Christian perspective in a small class setting, allowing students to delve deeper into the subject than a large class would, and answer individual questions. This gives psychology the potential to have a life value which is often lacking in traditional psychology classes.

Summer Studies in Christian Thought: Gaining a Vision for the Christian Life

Imagine the possibility of devoting nine weeks this summer to studying the writings of leading Christian thinkers like Francis Schaeffer and H. R. Rookmaaker. Then, imagine sifting that thought through the writings of time tested reformed theologians like Arthur Pink and Robert Shaw. Then, imagine the enjoyment of experiencing those ideas come to life through the fiction of C. S. Lewis. Finally, imagine what it might be like to do all of that under the tutelage of men and women who have devoted their lives to Christian thought and its application to the Christian life.

Imagine how such an undertaking might elevate one’s concept of living the Christian Life.

This is the idea behind Summer Studies in Christian Thought offered by the Geneva Institute. We have gathered expertise from across the state to lead this new program for the purpose of mentoring young minds for living the Christian life. John Hodges (The Center for Western Studies) and Dr. Charlene Thomas (Associate Professor of Humanities/Art History, Milligan College) will help translate to life and culture the concepts from three foundational segments of study on being, knowing, and living. Students will be mentored through those segments by Dean Walker from the Institute, Pastor Patrick Hines (Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church), Dr. Don Schanzenbach (Mission to Restore America), and Rev. Douglas Douma (Sola).  (See our informational flier, SSCT Info, for more detailed information about the program.)

The Institute is excited about the possibility of aiding young men and women to develop their knowledge of God and vision for living the Christian life. The program is ideal for upper high school and recent high school graduates (e.g. rising juniors/seniors, college students on summer break).  The Institute will recruit host family opportunities for housing out-of-town students.

We expect the cost of the program to be between $2400 and $2900 per student. This cost includes two trips: one to Staunton VA to see a Shakespeare play, and one to Washington D. C. to tour the art museums. It also includes tuition to BWSC (Biblical Worldview Student Conference) held at Milligan College June 4-8. We need six committed students to confirm the program this coming summer (2018). Please respond to with your interest indicating the following:

  • Please reserve a spot for me or my student(s).
  • I am very interested; please keep me updated about the program.
  • I would be interested given a $500 scholarship was available.
  • I would be interested given a $1000 scholarship was available.

Learn About Dual Enrollment Opportunities in Kingsport

An Informational meeting will be held in Kingsport on October 17th to talk about the dual enrollment classes offered by the Geneva Institute of Christian Thought. Learn how dual enrollment can give students a head start on college by making the most of the junior and senior high school years, how the Institute seeks to apply Christian principles to educational practice, and discover the upcoming spring semester classes offered by the Institute. Take the opportunity to meet the Director of the Institute and learn how the Institute’s classes can fit with your homeschooling style. The meeting will be held. 7:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church of Kingsport.

Geneva Institute Spring Classes

The Geneva Institute of Christian Thought will offer classes in Psychology, Great Books, and New Testament this spring (info below). These classes are college level classes taught from a Christian worldview and can be taken for dual-enrollment, adult, non-degree status, or audit. Please contact for more information.

Application deadline: December 1, 2017
Course registration: October 16, 2017 – December 15, 2017

Spring Semester 2018

Introduction to the general field of psychology.  Emphasizes concepts helpful for understanding contemporary psychology and those basic for further study.
Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am-11:20am

The course will examine some of the influential works of Christendom.  Students will be encouraged to critically examine these works from a biblical perspective, discussing, debating, and evaluating the validity of the author’s ideas and ethics.
Wednesday 8:30am-11:20am

This course provides an analysis of the New Testament as the culmination of the whole Bible.  It focuses on the theological, literary, and historical dimensions of the New Testament text, and draws theological connections to major figures and themes of the Old Testament.
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am-9:50am

For more information please contact Ginny Walker:

Dual Enrollment Day at Bryan College

The Geneva Institute is sponsoring a trip to Bryan College’s Dual Enrollment Day on Wednesday, September twenty seventh. Bryan College has invited students who are considering dual enrollment next year to visit the campus for a day. Students will be given a tour of the campus, have opportunity to meet professors and sit in on classes, meet with representatives from various area of study, and learn about the benefits of dual enrollment. The program will begin at 9 a.m. and end at approximately 3 p.m. Lunch is provided through the Bryan College cafeteria. For more information about registration and transportation please contact Ginny Walker at

Geneva Institute Classes Open for Audit

LA 190 SP GREAT BOOKS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD.  The course will examine some of the influential works from the ancient world, particularly from Greece and Israel (c. 8th century B.C. to 100 B.C.). Students will be encouraged to critically examine these works from a biblical perspective, discussing, debating, and evaluating the validity of the authors’ ideas and ethics.  Wednesdays 8:30am – 11:20am. No fee required.

BIB 222 OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE & INTERPRETATION. The course compares and contrasts basic worldviews and their implications for life, and will also present the main components of a Christian worldview, as well as respond to challenges to that belief system. Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:30am – 9:50am. Audit fee 75 dollars.

CT 113 CRITICAL SURVEY OF WORLDVIEWS. The course provides an analysis of the Old Testament as the foundation of the whole Bible. It focuses on the theological, literary, and historical dimensions of the Old Testament text and story; draws theological connections to Jesus and the New Testament; and makes application to modern Christianity, both corporate (church) and personal (spiritual growth). Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am – 11:20am.  Audit fee 75 dollars.

For more information please contact Ginny Walker:

Last Chance to Sign Up for Fall Classes

The deadline to sign up for fall classes at the Geneva Institute is fast approaching. All classes offered onsite at Westminster Presbyterian of Kingsport are open for dual enrollment, adult non-degree status, and audit. The Fall 2017 classes are:

LA 190 SP GREAT BOOKS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. Taught by Steve Warhurst. This class includes training in history, literature, writing, and debate. Wednesdays 8:30am – 11:20am

BIB 222 OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE & INTERPRETATION. Taught by Dean Walker. This course provides an analysis of the Old Testament as the foundation of the whole Bible. Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:30am – 9:50am

CT 113 CRITICAL SURVEY OF WORLDVIEWS. Taught by Dean Walker. This class is crafted to give you a basic knowledge of the most common worldviews and how they fall short of God’s truth. Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am – 11:20am

For more information please contact Ginny Walker:

New Class Added for Fall Semester

Fall of 2017 the Geneva Institute will be offering BIB 222 Old Testament Literature & Interpretation. This course provides an analysis of the Old Testament as the foundation of the whole Bible. It focuses on the theological, literary, and historical dimensions of the Old Testament text and story; draws theological connections to Jesus and the New Testament; and makes application to modern Christianity, both corporate (church) and personal (spiritual growth).
Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:30am – 9:50am

For more information please contact Ginny Walker:

Fall Classes Open for Adults

The Bryan College partner site classes at the Geneva Institute are open for adult students.  These are college level classes offered at Westminster Presbyterian Church of Kingsport beginning fall of 2017.  These classes can be audited or taken for credit.

Fall Semester 2017
Wednesdays 8:30am – 11:20am

Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am – 11:20am

Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:30am – 9:50am

For more information please contact Ginny Walker:

Accredited College Classes at the Geneva Institute – June Update

The Geneva Institute’s ( inaugural year as a partner-site for Bryan College begins on August 22. 2017.  Courses this fall include: Great Books of the Ancient World, Critical Survey of Worldviews, and Greek I. It is not too late to take advantage of these courses, application deadline is July 14. The courses are excellent resources for both high school and adult students seeking to increase their foundations in Christian worldview and life!

The establishment of the June Lunceford Scholarship Fund has also enabled the Institute to award four dual enrollment scholarships and one post-secondary scholarship for the upcoming year. These scholarships pay partial or full costs (student fees and tuition) depending on academic achievement and student status. The recipients were: Reece Carr, Alyssa Rees, Michael Rees, Phillip Roark, and August Smith. Congratulations to those students!

For more information about the Institute visit the Institute website or contact Dean Walker at or (919) 245-7016.